Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's All About Music

"Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside of us."  Anon
I'm not sure what my music is.  Is it talent, or dreams, or the way we live life? 

I think many people have a talent they haven't used.  Or, if they use it it is only for their own benefit.  I think all talent should be used rather you sing, paint, play an instrument write or keep a clean house.  My church choir comes to my house every Christmas and sings carols.  I love seeing their smiling faces and great spirit as they sing, bringing happiness to me and I am sure to themselves.  They are using their talent for good.

Those whose talent is dreaming, and then following up on those dreams ensures me our world is in good hands.  To see the young people planning their college years or those who have graduated zipping right into getting settled, obtaining a job and exploring all the wonders the world has to offer,  those people are using their music.  God bless them.

My friend Geri plays a recorder and is now flirting with a dulcimer.  In addition to her Madrigal singing she is certainly bringing her music to the world.  What a talented lady she is.  She uses her music to enhance the lives of others and receives kudos for that.

Then there is the housekeeper.  The one whose house is always ready to greet a friend.  It is a welcoming place, neat and clean and always ready for any occasion.  Her music is being used to capacity.

But what about all the others whose music is still hidden?  I know there are people who could allow their music to be exposed before their life is over.  If you are one of those folks, stop and think about the talents you can share.  It will not only make your life more meaningful, it will make others happy too.

Many people know they have a talent, but are so busy they are saying, when I retire, when my kids are out of school, when, when, when.    Remember, "Life is not a race.  Take it slower.  Hear the music before the song is over."

Until next time.
Be kind to one another

Friday, June 17, 2011

What is my Purpose in Life?

When you are 85 you wonder, what purpose does God have for me?  A week or two ago our pastor sent a letter to the congregation asking this very question.

He mentioned Mordecai speaking to his niece, Esther, as she was struggling with a problem of what to do in a difficult situation.  He said, "Who knows? Perhaps you were born for just such a time as this!"

Pastor then posed this question to us.  "What were you born for?  To what is God calling us in the particular setting and life-situation in which we find ourselves."  Since God promises that each of our lives has a meaning and a setting, we know He/She has placed us here for a reason.

It really makes one stop to think.  What earthly purpose does God have for me at this late stage in my life?  I think perhaps the main thing I can do is encourage people.  Often just one little word said here or there can change a persons life.  Not even realizing it sometimes, we say just the right thing to the right person at the right time.  It can be a very  casual remark, but it can become huge in an other's life.  I have seen it happen a few times and I am convinced we need to be more aware of the needs of others.

If I can make someone smile, make someone feel better about themselves, or cause someone to find their path when they are lost, I think at this moment in time, this is where God wants me.  He planted me here for a reason.

What reason are you living where you are, being with the people around you, and born in this time period?  Remember, God placed you here for a purpose.  Stop and consider God's purpose for you.

Until next time.
Be kind to one another

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Wrinkles

"Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up interest wrinkles the soul." Anon.

That is the thing many people do-----they can't seem to find interest in anything as they grow older.  Why?  It seems to me there are so many things of interest that as one author stated, "Enjoy life, this is not a dress rehearsal." 

If you are physically able there is no end to the adventures you can have every day.  Go to an art museum, a library, a movie, or visit a person who is home-bound.  One thing I loved to do when I walked a lot was to go where children would be playing, like a park, a playground or just a neighborhood where there were lots of kids and i would toss a penny here and there. (I saved all those pennies I got in change until I had quite a few.)  There is nothing more rewarding than to see a small child find a treasure.  Their interest is piqued by such small things.

I love to hear the birds singing every morning.  I really don't know much about them and I think it may be one of the next things I look into.  Especially their songs.  I'm sure there is something about the music of these  little creatures that is available.

Computers have made life interesting also.  You can find out about anything in the world you are interested in.  You can go to You tube and get videos of art work or music by your favorite artists.  Even if you have trouble getting around, there are a million things of interest on the good old Internet.

Also, there are many programs for seniors.  I attend art and writing classes, but there are also exercise classes, health programs, etc. 

And of course there are books.  I am an avid reader and I travel the world in the books I read sitting in the comfort of my own home.  Also there are TV programs to suit just about any taste. 

I am also interested in people.  Making friends and learning their history is a joy. There are so many different life styles, habits and problems that each person has and I feel that often we can help each other live a happier life. I thoroughly  enjoy my friends and am thankful for each and every one.

Religion can also create a place of interest.  A place to find God, to worship and to find friends.  Being active in even a small way can also be a source of interest and joy as  we grow older (and wiser) couldn't resist that.

I can tell it is time for me to turn in for the night.

Until next time
Be Kind to One Another

Sunday, June 12, 2011


My little dog Annie is on my bad dog list. 

This a.m. I woke up and the sun was shining, the birds were singing and all was right with my world.  Had breakfast, read the paper took a bath and got ready for church.  Fifteen minutes before it was time to leave I took Annie out to do her duty.  Out of the blue she slipped out of her leash and took off like a bat  out of you know where.

Since I am unable to chase after her I just stood and hollered which meant nothing in the world to her.  My nice neighbor  came out and he hunted for her.  The time was now five minutes late for church.  Then, PTL he caught her.  I slipped on her leash and she made one wild leap and off came her leash again.

My neighbor had to leave and I was now 15 minutes late for church.  If I could get her I would even go late as I really wanted to be there.  We were going to recognize all the graduates today and those kids are so great.

Now one-half hour late.  Annie is in the front yard and as I go out to get her she takes off again.  She can be completely out of sight in the blink of an eye. 

Forty-five minutes late, no way will I make it now.  Finally I just sit and wait and just as it is time for church to be over, Annie is at the door and wants to come in.  Grrr,  she doesn't know how lucky she is that I love her as at this moment I could kill her.  Of course she immediately wanted to be loved.  It is her own fault, but she got no loving from me.  It may take me an hour or two before I will be hugging her and telling her how much I love her.

Thank goodness God knows why I wasn't at church today, I don't even have to explain.

Until next time,
Be kind to one another

Friday, June 10, 2011

Pain Continued

I really didn't plan on talking any more about being feeble and having pain, but Erna commented that her back hurt and her legs are giving her trouble.  I didn't mean that no one gets pain when they get old.  All of us get some and some of us get a lot, however isn't it that way all through life?

When I had my periods I went from really bad cramps to unbelievable bleeding.  That didn't mean that every girl was going to dread having a period because she would have those problems.  I am sure there were some that shared my monthly joys, but there were probably a lot more that had perfectly normal periods.  I think it is that way at any stage of life.  Some people just have more problems than others. 

I also wanted to stress that many people cause their own problems, like me who doesn't lose weight and doesn't exercise.  I am sure there are a lot of those folks around too.

I believe that you control your attitude or it controls you.  I try to keep a positive one even though it is sometimes difficult.  There is just to much good in life to ignore it.  And I am thankful that God has given me the time to keep finding all the wonders he has created.

Until next time
Be kind to one another

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What's so Bad About Getting Old?

I have heard more reasons why people don't want to get old.  The only one I think is bad is that you have less time to live and I really think beneath all the reasons people give, this is still basically the main reason they fear age.

One of the most common reasons I hear is that they don't want to become feeble.  Well, let's face it, naturally like everything else, things do wear out, however, many of people's ailments are their own fault.  I am a perfect example.

I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis and many other little ills.  The problem isn't age, most of it is how I take care of myself.  I am about 60 lbs. overweight.  I can't walk very well because of this, I don't eat the right things, (I always intend to) and I sit too much (and I know better.) Just writing this convinces I need to change my habits or I won't be around to enjoy all the wonders of life.

Other reasons I have heard for not wanting to age is because of the wrinkles and the shifting of bodily parts.  I think too much pressure is placed on people from the day they are born.  You can now see little kids that decide what will be watched on TV, what clothes they wear and as they get older, how to look forever young.  I always felt wrinkles just showed how long someone had lived.  And good wrinkles often reflect the many smiles someone has given. 
Why do people want to spend loads of money and tons of time getting made over to look young.  Why not let God decide how you should look.  If you are taking care of yourself as far as what you eat and how much you exercise, go ahead and be yourself.  Your looks aren't what people love about you any way, it is the inner beauty that counts in the long run.

Will talk more about being old soon, but for now I need to cook dinner, play with Annie and read some more on my book for book club, which meets Sunday afternoon.

Until later
  1. Be kind to one another

Monday, June 6, 2011

Book Writing

Almost all my life I have wanted to write a novel.  Over the years I have started any number of them.  They all ended up in the trash.  I finally decided I just couldn't write.  Then one day a friend of my was telling me about her mother, who lived in a trailer court.  She said she wanted to move because all the people that lived there were just sitting around in heaven's waiting room waiting to die.  They found nothing to do, nothing to make them happy.

Wow----Now I had something to write about.  Not a novel, but a group of essays about things they could do.  After each essay I put a list of things for them to try.  I was 83 years old at the time and I knew if I sent it to a publisher I would get one rejection after another---I think in most cases that is par for the course.  So, I saved up my money and published it myself.  I would be dead before I could find a publisher who was interested in my topic.  So, my first book is titled, Get Out of Heaven's Waiting Room.

Since I like to write simple poetry, I felt brave after the first book, so I published my second.  I called it The House of Memories and Other Poems.
My great-grandfather built a house in Ogden, Utah probably in the late 1800's.Five generations of us have lived in that house and it holds some of my best memories.  It has been years since I have gone back there so I asked my cousin If she would take a picture of the house for me.  I really cried when she let me know that the house had been torn down.  I designed the cover of my book by doing a colored pencil drawing of the house.  I wasn't too happy with the publishing job, however it would be too spendy to change it and I don't plan to write any more books. (not until some other idea comes to mind.)

Although you can purchase my books through Xulon press, I would rather have you purchase them from me if you want them. They are $15.00 and I would only charge you $2.00 shipping charges.

My address is:   Joyce Ackley
                          895 N.E. 130th Ct.
                          Vancouver, WA 98684

I hope some of you will respond with stories of your own.  Love to hear from you.

Until next time,
Be kind to one another

Sunday, June 5, 2011


When I was a young girl I remember the book Life Begins at 40 was published.  I thought, how could anyone write that.  When you were 40 you were old and there wasn't much you could do.  Today, at 85 I guess I just want to talk about what life at my age is really like--it may not seem great to a young person, but I hope it will encourage you to realize there is still a lot of joy in life, no matter how old you get.  You may have aches and pains, but that doesn't mean life is over.  Unless you have a serious health problem, life can be pretty great.

I love to read.  I belong  to a book club that meets once a month.  I read things I would never have chosen and usually find that the books are great and I have learned a lot.

I am an amature watercolor painter.  I also do a lot with colored pencil, which is my favorite.  I have won a couple of ribbons in art shows, but I am not really competent enough to compete with professional artists.  Basically I do it for my own amusement.

I love to write poetry.  I have published two books and I will talk about them a little in my next blog.  

I've done a load of laundry today, made a few phone calls,and  taken care of my little dog Annie.

Until next time
Be Kind to One Another